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Email Marketing

For every $1 spent on email marketing, on average there's a $42 return on investment.
Nearly half of consumers said that they would like to receive promotional emails from their favorite brands on a weekly basis.
Consumers who purchase products through email spend 138% more than those who don’t receive email offers.

your inbox is a sacred place

Your audience’s inbox is a sacred space that you’re invited into when they opt-in to your email list. Every email is an opportunity to connect with your people, build a deeper connection, and remind them why they should choose your brand.
Despite the variety of other platforms available, email marketing is still the most effective way to nurture leads. One of the reasons being that you aren’t fighting an algorithm to get your content in front of your audience. On social media, we are constantly battling the algorithm to get your content in front of your audience.
But with email, every person has the chance to read every message you send.
Growing, maintaining and segmenting your email list can be a complicated process - but that’s where The Social Brand steps in. With our certified email marketing professionals on your team, growing your audience, communicating with them in the right way and nurturing them into paying customers has never been easier. Studies show us that you have to interact with someone seven times before they want to buy from you - set yourself up for success by consistently emailing your folks.

our email plans include:

Entirely personalized content written for your brand, in your brand’s voice, with your goals in mind
Custom graphics and imagery to make beautiful emails that showcase your brand
List management and segmentation
Ongoing reporting of results of each email sent and monthly performance

Add value to your audience’s inbox with thoughtful and 
aesthetic email marketing content.

Drive traffic to your website, blog, and content.
Grow your social media following
Implement automated strategies to decrease abandoned carts, welcome subscribers to your list, and educate new followers about your brand.
Build credibility and authority with your audience by sharing insightful information, resources, or content.
Improve communication with your audience
freebies mockup

free download

The most effective way to grow your email is by offering your social media followers, website visitors, and other audiences freebies in exchange for their email addresses. We know coming up with these ideas can be overwhelming, so we've put together a list of ideas for you to use!
get the tips

Don’t be part of the noise. Send focused, beautiful email marketing content into the inboxes of your list that they get excited to read.




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