How to Grow Your Business Using Pinterest

If you’re anything like some of our new clients, Pinterest is the Great Unknown and fills you with anxiety… so you avoid it at all costs!  Just today, I was talking to a longtime client about her social media strategy and I mentioned Pinterest as a new avenue we could explore and she burst out, “Victory! I can’t do Pinterest. I just can’t! It stresses me out!”  

Now despite the severe anxiety it seems to bring up for folks, the platform is incredibly valuable for businesses.  In fact,  according to Sprout Social, Pinterest has over 320 million monthly users, 80% of which have the buying power for their home. On top of that, they found that 85% of Pinners use Pinterest to make major life decisions…. Like planning their wedding, renovating their homes, branding their business, how to invest their money and countless other topics. (Literally, there’s millions of topics on there.)  

This is why we encourage all businesses, even local service providers to use Pinterest to grow their business. In this blog, you will learn what Pinterest is, how we recommend using it and how to grow your email list using the platform. Let’s break it down and hopefully overcome the anxiety that comes with it. 

What Pinterest Is

Pinterest is a visual search engine, it really isn’t social media - at least not how you think. On typical social media platforms, the lifespan of a post is a couple of days. You post something, the people who follow you may or may not see the content you’ve posted.  Your followers will engage with the content and then it will fade away usually to never be seen again.  Typical social media platforms encourage users to stay on their site - never leaving their platform and their algorithm will favor native content as a result.  However, Pinterest is a search engine - pins are searchable.  Every pin has an external link and the platform encourages users to leave Pinterest and go to blogs, shops, YouTube channels and even Instagram pages.  

According to Jenna Kutcher, a content creator and marketing strategist, “the biggest difference between Pinterest and social media, like Facebook and Instagram… (and the key reason Pinterest should be a part of your content promotion strategy.) is that social media works hard to keep people on their apps. Whereas Pinterest inspires people to click off the app.”  This changes the mindset immensely. 

How We Recommend Using Pinterest

Because Pinterest does such a great job inspiring folks to click off the app, it is an incredible tool for driving traffic to your other social media outlets, your website, your blog, opt-in pages, your e-Commerce shop, your etsy shop and more.  As I mentioned before, it is a really exciting tool that if used correctly can change the landscape of your business altogether.

Business Profile

The first thing we recommend for you to do is to create a Business profile. Doing this gives you access to a lot of tools you wouldn’t otherwise have access to, such as:

From there, you should optimize your business profile to showcase who you are, what you do and other places folks can find you online. 

Content Creator 

Now for the best results, we don’t recommend just jumping onto Pinterest and repinning other folks content - although this is definitely a tactic you can use.  On the contrary, we encourage you to create and pin original content to Pinterest to drive traffic back to your website and convert visitors into paying customers.

Creating your own content allows you to do several pretty cool things for your brand such as:

We recommend creating content around 3-7 categories directly related to your business. For example, The Social Brand focuses on:

We create content around these five categories as a way to keep our content focused and on track for our business goals.  Of course, these categories should also be topics that you know your target demographic or audience is interested in, so that you’re attracting the right people to your business. As we at The Social Brand always say, knowing who your customers are is vital. 

Pinning Your Content

Once you have amazing original content ready to post, you can begin pinning your content on Pinterest.

Your pins should have an image that is 1000 x 1500 pixels or have a ratio of 2:3.  Unlike Facebook or Instagram, you should have large headlines with eye catching wording.  Make sure to design the image according to your branding, include your logo and website.  Then write an engaging description of your content and post with a link. 

PRO TIP: Use a watermark or your logo in a central part of your pin image to avoid having your images stolen by other brands or pinners. We’ve seen this type of thing happen and you deserve to get credit for your hard work! 

Now Pinterest’s algorithm honors fresh, new content. But a sweet workaround?  Pinterest considers all new images fresh content eeeeven if it’s linked to the same content you’ve posted 12 other times. SO … post away!  Some content creators say that they are still driving traffic to their blogs and websites from pins they posted over 3 years ago. This is the beauty of the Pinterest search engine instead of traditional social media. 

Now, another fun tidbit is that Pinterest tells us that top channels are posting 10-15 times a day!

You read that right, 10-15 a day. Kiiiiiinda ridiculous, right? Who has time to do that? (even with automation). So if you’re reading this and this all seems like a little much - just keep this in mind - there are professional content creators who do this for a living.  Then there’s us - the small businesses using the platform to grow our businesses.  Doing what we can and reaping the rewards of that is enough. So as a beginner, shoot for one post a day.

Growing Your Email List

Now obviously being suuuuper popular on Pinterest and having thousands of followers on the platform would be a good ego boost, but it certainly isn’t the end goal. We’re running businesses here, right? Our end goal is to attract new visitors to our business and convert those visitors into paying customers. 

So, we have to have a plan on how to make that conversion happen. The easiest way to do that? Having them sign up for your email list. Of course once you’ve had them sign up for your email list, you can contact them later, educate them on your brand and nurture them all the way through the buyer’s journey.  

How to Get Visitors to Opt-In

Once they’ve clicked your post and they’re on your website, getting them to give away their email address is a whole other challenge. SO… how do you get them to sign up? Free stuff.

Offering them something in exchange for their email address is the most effective way of doing this. Check out our list of 39 freebies you can offer in exchange for an email address here. (You’ll never guess what you need to give us in exchange for the list, either. **wink, wink**)

So, there you go! What Pinterest is, how we recommend you use the platform and how to grow your email list using the platform. You now have the tools to get your business on Pinterest, begin driving traffic to your website and converting them into paying customers.   Feeling a little overwhelmed with Pinterest? Sign up for our upcoming class, “How to Grow Your Business with Pinterest” here.

Keep Your Medical Social Media, um, Social!

Your days are full of patients, busy to-do lists, managing staff members and more. The last thing you want to be thinking about is social media. What if I told you that social media isn’t as scary and overwhelming as it feels like it is?  What if I told you that social media could be a powerful tool to connect with your patients, educate them and even promote your medical practice?  In this blog, I’ll provide seven ways you can use social media for your medical practice.  Medical marketing doesn’t have to be overwhelming.


Did you know that research shows 90% of older users reported using social media like Facebook and Twitter to find and share health information?1 That’s right, older folks are using social media!  And they’re talking about their health.  

An infographic or a video from your office staff, providing a friendly moment of advice, can help you connect with these patients in a deeper way and encourage them to keep checking back for more fresh content.


We get it, SEO can be daunting - but a few easy practices can make all the difference.  SEO is all about helping patients find your practice on search engines more easily - pretty important, right?  

SEO can be enriched by directing your patients to not only your own website but other credible sources of information as well. With a hashtag or actual web link, you can easily connect your patients with reliable sources of information. This helps build trust, authority and SEO all in one easy link!


You know the value of wellness education better than anyone.  But finding ways to connect with patients on this topic in a manner that they’ll listen and apply the information can be a challenge! Simple awareness of healthy practices and practical no-cost tips can go a long way in building your brand. Some examples are accessible meal plans, strength training with household equipment such as a chair, or canned food acting as a weight. You can even provide tips for family outings to keep people moving in spite of inclement weather or COVID.


Another easy social media practice is to post often with local images especially as the seasons change. Snowfall, blooming daffodils, bales of hay on rolling farmland, brilliant shades of fall leaves – all become subtle messages that as a health provider you are keeping your content fresh. Even fun images with your staff around the office as you’ve decorated for the season.  These positive messages have an immeasurable impact on mental health as well.


Another simple but impactful post idea is adding potential wisdom for home remedies that have been passed down through the ages for health and wellness. Sprinkling an occasional quotation can help your patients see you as a caring provider, not only when issuing an invoice. Some suggestions are  the Farmer’s Almanac or the Amish community


Setting up discussion boards or chat forums can be tricky when it comes to bad medical advice. Because of this, many medical providers run for the hills when it comes to sharing advice online.  But, we encourage you to be a voice for truth by combatting the misinformation. You may find that the time invested in a regular Question and Answer “column” or video may actually drive traffic to your site and pay off in the long run. 


As medical providers, connecting with your patients in a personal way can sometimes be a challenge. Showcasing your staff, their interests, their personalities and their expertise gives you an excellent opportunity to connect in a human way with your patients.  This is a great way to highlight your team’s expertise while still being personable and, well, social!  When your patients know, like and trust you - you have loyalty for life. 

So there you have it! Seven ways to take advantage of social media for your medical practice. With 79% of Americans on social media, it’s a surefire way to connect with your patients. Take advantage of their valuable attention with simple and engaging content that makes them want to keep coming back for more while also establishing your authority as their provider. As your patients are rewarded for their time with quality content, your business will rise to the top of the priority list as they scroll every day. Still wanting to learn more about social media for your practice?


1Retrieved 12/6/2020 from

10 Ways To Use Social Media To Reach More Buyers (Plus 1 Bonus Tip!)

Do you sometimes look at influencers on social media and wonder how in the world they gained the attention of so many people? Are you over trying to sell yourself over and over only to be met with inattention and unresponsiveness? Is your social media follower count in the double (or single) digits? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then boy, oh boy, do we have some secrets to tell you. Social media is an art, and anyone can learn the techniques with enough time, patience, and guidance. We’ll show you how you can use social media for your business so you can reach more customers when they’re most receptive, even happy that you showed up. 

Master The Art Of Social Selling

Have you ever rolled out of bed in the morning and thought, “Man, today is a great day! I get to make a bunch of cold calls!” Probably not. There’s a reason why telemarketing jobs have such high turnaround—it’s stressful, it has low odds of success, and the people you reach out to often meet you with irritation at the intrusion. 

Social selling is everything but that. With social selling, you’re positioning your business to be in the right place at the right time with the perfect solution for your ideal customer—a truly personalized, win-win situation for everyone involved. 

But what is it? 

Social selling is a way of connecting with your prospective customers in their natural habitat online without badgering them or coming across as spammy. Think about it, people spend more time on their phone than anywhere else, forming communities and opinions, seeking answers to all of their questions (and we do mean all of their questions), playing, studying, relaxing, even working—there’s not much you can’t do on a modern smartphone. That’s why it’s prime territory for strategic brands to stalk their prey… uh, we mean, connect with their customers. 

But, really, it is a lot like that. You can learn your customers behaviors and patterns, see where they gather, track their movements (like with a Facebook pixel), and then, when the time is juuuuuuust right—you pounce with the most perfect solution for them, right at the moment they need it. They feel great. You get paid. Everybody wins. 

Still unconvinced? Here’s some food for thought: Americans check their phones 8 billion times per day and check Facebook an average of 14 times per day. It isn’t just the US—there are 7.4 billion on the planet, and 5.1 billion own a cellphone… only 4.2 billion own a toothbrush


Know Your People

Trying to sell to everybody and their mother usually doesn’t work in 2020. Even if you could, you probably shouldn’t. So sit down and really think about your ideal customer. How are they? How old? Are they married? With kids? How much money do they make? Those are the basics of building a profile of your ideal customers, AKA a customer persona

Then, you dig a little deeper. What do they like to do for fun? How do they talk? How about their sense of humor? Light, dark, irreverent, goofy? And, and this is the mother of all questions, what are their pain points? If you know what keeps them up at night, then you’re golden. Now you just have to get it in front of them. (See Point 1 above, social selling. 😀) 

Figure Out What Hurts 

Time to take off your businessperson hate and grab your doctor gear, because it’s critically important that you understand your customers pain points. Without that key piece of information, you’re not really selling anything to anybody. 

So, what hurts? Make sure your product or service soothes the pain, then make sure you’re getting it in front of the people who really need it. In order to do that, you have to know more than their pain points, you have to know how they experience the pain, how they would describe it, what keywords they would use to try to tell someone what’s wrong. (And you can figure out the answers to these questions by referring to Part 3, customer personas. Seeing a trend yet?  😁)

Some pain points are simple. 

Customer 1

Some aren’t so simple.

Customer 2 

That’s why it’s important to know your customers, where they’re at online, and how they talk about their problems. This information will guide you toward where they gather, where your solution can be of the most benefit. 

Build It And They Will (Probably Not) Come 

People have to have a reason to act. There’s plenty of opportunities on the internet for people to fulfill a whole host of their needs. Everything from business intelligence to online dating to horse head squirrel feeders are vying for the attention of your potential buyers. Why do they want to spend their time on you?

Because you have the answers. You can scratch that particularly itch that’s been niggling at the back of their mind (or giving them panic attacks in the office bathroom). If you don’t have a solution, described in a way your customers understand using words that they would use themselves, if it's not timely or in a desirable price range, then your customer is going to move on. 

The average person has an attention span of about 8 seconds, thanks to our digital lifestyle. The attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds. In case you got distracted and lost us there (and who could blame you)… 

Humans now have a shorter attention span than goldfish—8 seconds vs. 9 seconds.

Can you capture your customer’s attention and inspire them to act in 8 seconds or less?

Nobody Likes To Be Sold To  

Sales-y, gimmicky offers only work tongue-in-cheek. People expect a personalized experience that addresses their needs in a real way that has a touch of humanity. A lot of the old sales tricks just come across as disrespectful and condescending toward your customers. There are other ways. 

Inbound marketing, or content marketing, lures customers to you using content that directly benefits them, with immediate results. This means things like infographics, videos, and, yes, even blog posts. What you’re reading now is an example of content marketing. 

In order to effectively reach your customers on social media, you should engage in: 

  1. Social listening whereby you use tools like social media, review sites, and online monitoring services to keep an eye on how your customers are interacting online with you, your competitors, and effectively managing your reputation and customer concerns
  2. Social influencing in which you help guide conversations, usually by adding authority or expert information to the social sphere using the types of content listed above—helpful blogs, tips, videos, etc. 
  3. Social networking is where you start to connect the dots. This is where you’re tagging, sharing, crossposting, and generally interacting online. This could happen on your website or social media or, ideally, both. 
  4. Social selling which we discussed earlier, where you use all of this information to position yourself strategically for when an upcoming customer might need you. 

You’re An Entertainer First

Read this paragraph: It is the onus of an inbound marketer to provide data-driven, compelling quality content strategically to each persona and at every stage of the funnel in order to nurture potential leads on whichever social platforms most likely to garner engagement based on historical customer data. 


Now, read this one:  Pull out your circus pants, because “entertainer” is now the only job title you hold that matters. And, just like that busker downtown with all the stickers on their guitar and a top hat full of cash, you have to be flexible and on the move, settling comfortably wherever the paying customers are congregating. If you sing your heart out, if you offer your authentic self, if you share your gifts with those around you in ways that enrich their lives and entertain them, then they’ll probably throw some cash your way—no selling required. 

You have eight seconds to change a life with every passing stranger. Are you singing the “song” of your business online in a way that shows your passion, your talent, your voice? Do people hear you and look to find you?  Or are you strumming away timidly on an empty street corner, safely, calling little attention to yourself? 

Which version was better? Be a street performer not an ROI robot.


Authenticity Is Everything.

That brings us to our next point—authenticity. Social media isn’t about perfection. Or safety. It’s about authenticity. Show your customers some realness. People want to buy from people, not companies. People make mistakes. They get feelings. They laugh and share and connect, each with their own unique energy and voice. 

That doesn’t mean you should go shouting about your controversial political views on the company Twitter or drunkenly recounting stories of your ex on Facebook Live. 

But it does mean that you’ll have to step out from behind the veil of corporatized safety if you want the real connections and vehement loyalty that comes from interacting with your customers authentically. 

This can mean sharing in your trials and your successes, using humor that suits your brand, showing them behind-the-scenes glimpses into your company’s processes, and highlighting your team. 

Be Human.

In short, be human. Don’t be a talking head in front of a company logo. Don’t try to please everybody. And don’t stay so far in your safety zone that you rob your business of success and customer connection. Just be real, and interact with people just like you might on the street or even on a couch with friends, if that level of intimacy behooves your brand. Let your humanity guide you and your tribe will begin to appear. 

Be Consistent.

There’s a concept among full-time novelists. You don’t wait for inspiration, you show up everyday to work so you can catch the muse when she comes for a visit. 

The more you show up for your customers, the more room you have to benefit. And the more consistent you are in showing up, the more reliable and trustworthy and stable you come across. So pick a social schedule that you can actually keep and stick to it.

You can always grow from there, but start somewhere that you don’t have an option to fail. Show up. Reach out. Be real. On schedule. It’ll change things in ways you might never expect. 

Be Relevant.

Last but not least, be here in the present with your customers. Share in what’s meaningful to them as well as the crazy experience of being human. Getting excited about fall and pumpkin spice and bonfires? They probably are too, and you can totally incorporate your excitement into your social media posts. 

The same is true for upcoming events, holidays, sales, even controversy (although that one is a bit of an advanced technique and should be used with caution). Just make sure that you’re staying relevant to your customer’s existence. 

Bonus Tip: Facebook Pixel

Remember when we mentioned this earlier? Well, this short piece of code lives on your website and is used to gather intelligence on your customers as they move through the web, then to use that information to bring your company back to the front of their mind when they’re on Facebook. 

This is called retargeting, and it’s simpler to start than it sounds. It builds your list over a rolling 6 month period to help you combat that 8-second attention sp—look! A cat video! 

Want some help using social media to its fullest potential for your business? The Social Brand offers a full suite of marketing and advertising services to find your ideal customers, develop your brand, and share your voice on social media in a way that drives customers to you so you can get more leads, more calls, more sales. If you’re ready to grow your business using the power of social, reach out to us at (865) 282-2399 or email us at to find out how we can help your specific business. 

Quick Tip for Social Media

A quick tip about social media from Victory:


Easy Tip for Facebook Cover Photos

As the new year begins, we see lots of folks updating their Facebook pages. First impressions are a big deal - so here's an easy tip for your business' Facebook cover.

We know not everyone is familiar with the recommended sizes, the cropping and the reasons for these recommendations. The cover photo is the horizontal photo that every visitor to your Facebook page sees.

One of the biggest mistakes that we see folks make with their cover photo is bringing the important content in their photo all the way to the edges. The reason why this is an issue is that when the photos are loaded on mobile devices, they are cropped differently than they are cropped on computers.

In order to have a cover photo that properly represents your business on all devices:

Your cover photo should be 820 x 360

with all content restrained within 640 x 316.

If we keep all important wording or design elements within those limits, your cover photo will look great on all devices.


We are so excited for 2020, we can't wait to see where everyone goes this year!





Reviews versus Recommendation

Did you know that word of mouth is still considered the most influential form of advertising?  The only difference is that in 2018, word of mouth is typed out and posted on a review page instead of spoken to friends and family. While Google and Yelp serve as review pages, Facebook is one of the most public platforms to review a business.

While one of the most popular rating systems has always been the typical 5-star review scale, Facebook is once again shaking things up.  Instead of a rating, they simply ask:

Do you recommend this business?

Besides offering a more direct question that invites a response, it also plays on psychology.  Reviews are great, but just the word sounds almost high-minded and aloof. A recommendation, though?  Those come from friends, family, and people we can trust.

So let’s take a look at what this change means, and how much it can affect your business.

Stars vs. Recommendations

Stars vs. Recommendations

Although this is not typically discussed, there is a vast difference in how stars can affect your overall business rating when compared to a more, “Yes or No” system such as recommendations.

Using the star rating system, a Facebook page’s rating was determined by the average of all ratings given by customers.  The problem with that lies in how averages are determined. For example, having a 1-star rating, a 5-star rating, and three 3-star ratings would average out to an overall 3-star rating on your Facebook business page.  That overall rating is most likely not a fair grade for your business, especially because anyone who rates you at 3 stars would probably still recommend you to friends and family.

Recommendations will separate out differently, giving a much more rounded view of how much you actually are recommended.  Those customers above will instead separate into 4 yes answers and 1 no answer, offering a clearer response to how well your business is received in the community.

Public Endorsements Become Page Recommendation

Speaking of the community, it’s becoming common to see requests for recommendations in public and private groups for different cities, states, hobbies, etc.  With Facebook’s new system, if you are recommended by someone and your page is linked in their comment, that recommendation will actually show on your business page!

Why is this such a big deal?  Here’s another scenario:

Tim goes to visit your craft store to see if he can find some glue.  He finds the glue with your help and advice, and while he’s checking, he notices that you all have a huge fabric department.  He goes home a happy customer - not happy enough to leave a review, but pleased with his visit.

Later that evening, Tim is on Facebook and he sees someone in a local craft group asking about fabric stores.  He comments on the post, saying that your store had a huge selection of fabric and that it seemed like the owners knew their stuff.  That recommendation now shows up on your Facebook business page!

Basically, even when they don’t mean to, a customer can endorse you!

Easier to Use

Easier to Use

The new recommendations system doesn’t just collect reviews and endorsements, it draws on Facebook’s database to benefit both the business and the reviewer.

Facebook offers a collection of tags gathered from similar places and previous recommendations to assist reviewers in their own recommendation.  Restaurants may be known for being Child-Friendly, or a bakery may be known for their Gluten Free Cookies.

Just like bullet points are easier to read than paragraphs, this gives an overall feel to your recommendations that helps hammer in the best things about your business.

In addition to tags, the new system also enables reviewers to attach photographs to their recommendations when entered on their mobile phones.  This is an all-new feature that wasn’t available with Facebook reviews and makes a bigger impact to help your business shine.

Start Getting Facebook Recommendations Today

So how do you get recommendations?  If you’re already collecting reviews on Facebook, you don’t have to do anything.  If you’re not, all you have to do is turn reviews on for your business.

To turn on Facebook reviews, go to Settings at the top of your page and click "Edit Page".  Then, scroll down and click on "Add a Tab". You'll see an entry for Reviews, so click "Add Tab".

Once you exit the pop-up, click on settings next to your Reviews tab and switch "Show Reviews" to on mode.  Save your changes, and there you go! You can even move your Reviews between different areas of your page, depending on where you want it to be seen.

Start collecting recommendations today!

Social Media Stories

We love seeing business owners who use social media to reach out to their customers. Especially in 2018, any business using social media knows how important it is to share information, photographs, videos, and more through these powerful marketing outlets.
What most businesses don't do, however, is use Facebook and Instagram stories. These are relatively new ways to give your customers a look at who's really behind the polished face of your business. Today, we'll discuss what these stories are and just how big of an impact they can have on current and future customers.
What is a Story
Stories on Instagram and Facebook are visual eye candy with a twist. They can contain multiple photos or even videos and will post online for only 24 hours. Afterward, they disappear. Typically, stories will show on Instagram or Facebook in a designated place on their platform - for instance, Facebook stories appear in the upper right-hand corner of the user’s news feed. This gives them a place of honor, so to speak, where they are noticeable right off the bat instead of having to be discovered through scrolling.
Now that we’ve gotten the technical part out of the way, stories are FUN!

You can use stories to give an unfiltered look at your business and invite interest in a whole new way.

For 24 hours, your stories lift that curtain that typically separates businesses and their customers. Reveal a step in how a product is made, give a peek into the daily life of your company, or show how your company has an impact on the local community.
You’ve already sparked their interest - now it’s time to shine!
How Stories Help Your Business
In 2018, the only way a business can thrive is if customers feel a connection to it. Return customers are less expensive than new ones, and stories are not only free but when used correctly can influence previous buyers to enjoy your products and services only.
For example, let’s say you own a convenience store. There are three more in your area, and all of you experience the typical drop-in-and-go customers who may not think twice about coming to your store later. Then, using Facebook stories, you share a story containing a short clip of your interaction with a kid who is excited to see that you ordered the candy bar he likes simply because you didn’t have it when he stopped in last week.
That story has the power to tell other customers multiple things about your brand and you, the person behind that little boy’s smile, as well as behind the counter. First, it establishes a belief that you care - you remembered you didn’t have it, and a customer had asked for it. Second, it establishes trust - if you care, then your store must be just as kept up as your memory. Third, that story is going to show that you want to do right by your customers and make them happy, which will instantly make you relatable to consumers.
Building a relationship with your customers through stories works on an interesting marketing level. Not only are you giving a live-action view of what happens in the store, but you’re also establishing yourself as a person running a store, not a store employing a person.
This is powerful imagery and seriously impacts current customers, and has a high chance of attracting new ones.
How to Use Stories with Your Business
We know that you may be used to glossy photographs and edited, polished videos, but this is your chance to give customers a behind-the-scenes look at your company. When choosing what to show in your Facebook or Instagram stories, focus on the little things that may go unseen. For instance, if you own a bakery, give a glimpse at the art of turning fondant into flowers. If you run an auto shop, share a tip based on a unique problem a customer has.
After choosing a video or photo collection to make into a story, all you have to do is share it!
Once you’ve gotten into story sharing, it should be handled with care. Keeping a flow of stories coming means that you’ll get more views, so posting regularly is key. Post two, three, four times a week. You can even post daily if you really want to keep it rolling! And showing more stories per day is a great idea if you have the occasion for it. Keep it relevant and they’ll really pay off!
Overall, the idea behind Facebook and Instagram stories is that you show your customers who your company really is - a person or group of people determined to provide only the best services or products to your company’s customers. Making your company relatable will keep customers coming back - If only for the next story.

Landing Pages for Social Media Ads

The What and the Why

It’s a common problem – a new business starts trying to advertise on social media, and clicking on their ad takes you straight to their home page without utilizing landing pages. I know that this seems like the best idea. Let’s face it, we all want our website to be seen, right? Why not send customers straight to the home page?

I know that your home page is the face of your website, but I’m in the business of helping you grow. To do that with social media advertising, you’ll want to use landing pages – and I’m about to tell you why.


What is a Landing Page?

Before I talk about the advantages of having a landing page, let’s start by defining what that is.

A landing page is a web page built to zero in on the specific product or service you are trying to sell with your advertising, while also gathering information on the customers who clicked the ad.

For further definition, let’s look at the two types of landing pages: Lead generation pages, and Click-through pages.

A lead generation page focuses more on gathering customer information for future contact, such as their e-mail, phone number, or mailing address. A click-through page acts as a thoroughfare to your website, but concentrates your products or services to best match the advertisement you placed.

Why have a Landing Page for Social Media Advertising?

If there’s one thing social media is good for, it’s finding exactly the information you want without having to dig for it. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, you want your advertising links to take your customers straight to the product or service you’re offering.

For example, if I clicked on a Facebook ad for a free downloadable e-book on gardening and ended up on the homepage of a home improvement website, I probably won’t look for that e-book. Instead, I’ll peruse the site, and leave the site without giving that business any usable information.

Or worse, I’ll bounce. Bouncing is when a customer looks at a web page and then hits the back button or goes straight from your site to another site. Social media users are accustomed to ads taking them exactly where they want to go, and they won’t hesitate to hit that back button.

Your landing page cuts to the chase – Here is what you’re looking for, here is what you can give me in exchange. With convenience and a simple line of communication, you increase the chances of gathering information and making a sale. After all, that’s what business is all about, isn’t it? Social media is the bait, and your ad may be the hook, but in the end, your landing page will be the reel. So yank ‘em in with a landing page, and you’ll find more prospects and conversions than your home page could provide.


Landing Pages Work – Just Try Them!

I’ve worked with a lot of people who couldn’t understand why their social media ads weren’t working for them the way they should have been. Putting out a beautiful ad that links to your home page just isn’t enough anymore.

With landing pages, you’re putting the most important information in front of your customers in the most convenient manner for them. Convenience builds confidence, and confidence builds loyalty. In addition, you’ll be generating more leads, gaining more website hits, and seeing many less bounces on your website.

If you’re worried that your social media ads are just not performing the way they should be, I suggest trying out landing pages. You’ll be surprised at the difference it makes for your business – I know I was!

Our Tips for Live Videos

Use it!

Our first tip for Live videos, is that you should be doing them, regularly! People are following you because they’re interested in you and your brand. No amount of perfectly edited photos and well-designed marketing campaigns will fully satisfy your customers’ desire to connect with a person.
So, give the people what they want. Show your face! Talk to your followers.
The beautiful thing about Live Videos is that their organic reach is greater than a regular post… and sometimes even greater than a regular video! Why? Usually, your followers will get a push notification (pop-up) on their phone telling them you’ve gone live. This means more people will know to jump on and watch your video!

Know, Like and Trust

As with all things in marketing, Live Videos work best when they’re done regularly. Now, we’re not talking about every day… but once a week or so. In some cases, every couple of weeks or so is even enough to get people used to hearing from you. The ultimate goal is that your followers know who you are, like you and trust you. (KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST).
Now, let’s think about that phrase. If your followers are going to grow to know, like and trust you. Then, that means that every time they see you, you shouldn’t be trying to sell something. AMIRIGHT?!
NO ONE LIKES TO BE SOLD TO. People like to be educated, they like to be entertained, they like to feel like they’re a part of a community, but they don’t like to be sold to. So doing a Facebook or an Instagram live and only talking about the latest deal may drive a short-term increase in number but ultimately will lead to less engagement. Now once you’ve shown your followers you care about them by educating them, entertaining them and bringing them into your community… if you want to sell them something every once in a while, they’ll listen! Just like they’ll listen to a friend!

Set Up

Now just like anything, there’s a level of technical stuff to doing a Live Video. Here’s what we consider to be important.
· Make sure you’re in a well-lit area. Make sure people can see your face, without shadows being on your face. The light should be in front of your face, not behind you.
· Make sure you’re in a quiet area. You don’t want to do a Live Video with a loud fan running, near traffic or outside where a heavy breeze may be blowing. Essentially, make sure the TV is turned off and silence your phone before going Live!

What You Should Do

· Eye contact. Look AT the camera. Don’t flicker your eyes around or look at your hands, etc. Eye contact lets people know that you’re trustworthy. Once again, helps with that “Know, Like, and Trust” thing we’ve been talking about.
· Practice makes perfect! I always encourage people to practice! Figure out what you want to say, so you don’t ramble. Record yourself and watch it, check for too many “umms” or nervous ticks. In most industries, a Live Video should be less than 10 minutes. The exceptions to this would be tutorial type videos (DIY, makeup, etc.) or interactive videos.
· Engage your followers. The beauty of live videos is that you can interact with your followers LIVE. It’s a conversation! So as people watch your video, they can comment and you can answer them… LIVE!
Now, with all that being said, Facebook and Instagram Lives are overwhelming. We get it! So if you have further questions, we'd love to hear from you! This is what we do!